Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Vince Young Just Might Be Insane.

As reported today, or yesterday, Vince Young somehow thinks his resume says that he should be starting in the NFL and if the Titans don't agree they should release him. I personally think Vince Young's resume would have the people at Domino's questioning whether they should hire him with his complete failure to deliver. But it got me to thinking about the Vikings current QB situation and whether or not he would be a better option at QB for the Vikings than the current crop.

Lets take a look at the key stats:

Games, Completion %, Avg yds per attempt, TD's, Int, QB Rating, Rush TD's and Fumbles.

Tarvaris Jackson: 25 G, 58.4 Comp%, 6.6 ypa, 20 Tds, 18 Ints, 76.5 Rating, 4 RTDS, 4 Fumbles.
Sage Rosenfels: 32 G, 62.5 Comp%, 7.4 ypa, 30 Tds, 29 Ints, 81.2 Rating, 1 RTDS, 4 Fumbles.
Vince Young: 33 G, 57.3 Comp%, 6.4 ypa, 22 Tds, 32 Ints, 68.8 Rating, 10RTD, 11 Fumbles.

And just for fun we will show the relevant stats (since he has played in many more games) of The Diva:

Brett Favre: 61.6 Comp%, 7.0 ypa, 85.4 Rating.

Also in the mix are John David Booty and Sean Glennon.

Here is how I would rank them in terms of who I wanted starting for the Vikings this year, all factors considered:

1. Sage Rosenfels: The stats back me up here and if you look at last year, he had one bad game. And that bad game was against the Ravens, one of the top defenses and let's see you play with a double murderer lined up on the other side of the ball against you and see how you do. Though I don't think he would do well in a prison league, I think he would do just fine as the Viking QB.

2. Brett Favre: Anyone who has read me before knows how much this pains me to write this as I despise Brett Favre with every fiber of my being. I hate the Wrangler-loving, pretend I am just like everyone when I am actually a diva media whore. But, given the options, though he sucked last year when it mattered most and the Jets missing the playoffs was his fault, he does have his moments, few and far between, but still. How's that for an endorsement Brett?

3. John David Booty: USC does have a pretty good track record with QB's in the NFL as well with the ladies, and you gotta love the Booty.

4. Tarvaris Jackson: I will admit he had a pretty good run down the stretch last year where I thought he might be a QB. But, he has made so many bad decisions, frustrating throws and overall incompetence that I can't rate him higher than this. Yes, he is probably Brad Childress' love child, which can be the only explanation for his fascination with him, but I can't go another year watching his 3rd grade QB skills in the NFL.

5. Sean Glennon: He signed as a free agent rookie after the draft. He is the former VA Tech QB who didn't murder a bunch of dogs. (And I would take him over the newly freed man from his Alma Mater who was never a good QB)

6. Vince Young: Lets see: Horrible QB with Horrible Stats, check. Questionable Psyche, check. May or may not want to kill himself if he doesn't starts, check. Who am I kidding, this is the perfect Brad Childress QB.

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